People have stuff/annoyances happen to them all the time. Somehow, these things happen to me more than most, oooorrrrr maybe I just notice them more. Either way, I almost always find them funny.....
Friday, December 30, 2016
Julie Andrews will not be singing "So long, farewell", this year
This year
We lost:
King (of golf)
A Princess, of a far away galaxy
A Professor of the Dark Arts
A Starman
A Candy Man
A First Lady
A Lovely Lady
An Eagle
A Fish
A Singing Nun
And we mourn
Because they entertained us.
But we also lost
14 members of the military
138 police officers
And 89 firemen
And we mourn
Because they protected us.
But even more importantly
a lot of us suffered personal tragedies.
And for me, that made this
the worst year ever.
Yet, there were some
Reasons to celebrate
Because this year:
We found a vaccine for ebola.
The United States had it's first woman presidential candidate.
Green sea turtles, white tailed deer, grizzly bears, and giant pandas have been taken off the endangered list.
For the first time in 100 years,
the number of tigers in the wild has increased.
Measles has been totally eradicated from the Americas.
The Chicago Cubs won the World Series!
Was it the best year?
Good God, no!
But it wasn't the absolute worst either.
Still, I'm glad we can finally say goodbye to 2016.
And I DO hope the door
hits it on it's ass on the way out.
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
"Filthydelphia", possessive trash, and poop
So, I went to some Tile Place
with a friend
on Washington
and 15th Street
In Philly
Got out of the car,
And stepped into a sh*t-pile
Of everything
That every person who
Has ever lived in Philly
They just dumped it.
On the sidewalk
Bottles, broken glass,
Cups, cigarettes, ketchup packets,
Cheetos, plastic bags, a seashell.
And I couldn't even handle it.
So I did my random act of kindness
For today.
I went to the Tile Store
and asked for a trash bag.
He looked at me funny look,
But gave it to me.
The gloves that I keep in my bag
ripped when I put them on.
(Always prepared:
I still carry them around
from my years at Bancroft)
So, I went to Dunkin Donuts
And asked them for gloves
to clean up the trash.
The counter workers
(not one American),
all gathered around me
and wanted to know
"What trash?"
I said the trash in the street.
They asked:
"What trash in the street?"
I said "I don't know,
the trash in the street,
the trash in the street"
Because if you say something twice
It has more impact.
So they gave me gloves.
And I walked around
And picked up safe trash.
No glass.
Nothing that looked like anybody's
mouth had been on it.
And I filled the bag about halfway.
But I stopped when I got
To a pile of poop.
People poop.
So I turned around, and brought
the bag to the girl
who was outside Dunkin Donuts
cleaning, and sweeping
up the trash around there.
I said "Here you go!"
She asked what it was.
I said "it's trash."
She shook her head,
she didn't want it.
I said, "It's trash,
right here,
trash from in front of your store,
I'm doing your job for you,
trash, it's trash."
She said no.
I smiled, took my gloves off,
plopped the bag of trash on top
of her sweepy broom thing anyway.
Then turned around and left.
So if you go to the Dunkin Donuts
On Washington Ave
Be wary.
They're possessive of their trash.
They don't want you to pick it up for them.
If you do clean it up anyway,
don't put it in their dumpsters.
And watch out that you don't step in people poop.
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
They fine people for that???
So I ran into my doctors office
In Philly this morning
a couple minutes late
As usual,
And I asked the girl
At the front desk,
"Hey, do they give tickets to
street walkers here?"
She looked at me funny and
Said, "Yeah, they give them big fines,
Like $2,500, and arrest them."
I didn't believe her.
She said they really did.
I told her that was a bunch of crap.
And no wonder Aunt Cynthia
I said that I'M a street walker.
And in New Jersey
I've never gotten fined, or arrested.
Who the hell wants to park their car.
Walk to the corner.
Cross at the light.
Then come back to the
Opposite side of the street
Where you parked your car.
The girl looked at me and said.
"Julie. That's a JAY WALKER"
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
We need an Autumn runway collection, shoes to keep me safe.
I went outside today
and made the mistake
of taking one step
onto the concrete.
And hit a wet leaf.
My feet did that air peddling
Like I was on an invisible bicycle
While my arms were grabbing
For anything I could get hold of.
Finally, I was able to latch
onto the doorjam
And fall back into the lobby
With minimal damage.
Of course I was laughing
because it was funny
And I was soaking wet.
Why do they have
Shoes for rock climbing
Boots for walking in mud and puddles
Crampons for walking in ice
Flip flops for the beach
But nothing for walking on wet leaves?
Thursday, November 17, 2016
Thank you, Netflix
I know I said I'm taking a break,
From social media,
but I feel the need
to get this out of my system.
With the environment
the way it is right now,
I'm probably going
to make some people mad
by saying this.
But a week from now,
on the 25th,
there's an event
that a lot of us have been waiting for.
And I want to say
that I hope Netflix
doesn't bring Kirk back.
To Gilmore Girls.
I said it.
I'm not a fan of Kirk.
He added nothing to the show.
Other than that.
Woo hoo!
8 more days
Till we can get cozy again
With Lorelai
And Rory
And all will
Feel right with the world.
For at least
4 episodes.
Thank you, Netflix.
#GilmoreGirlsComfort @gilmoregirls #netflixgilmoregirls @netflix
Sunday, November 13, 2016
"Trump's America"
I just read a woman's post
who said she was in Philly,
when she saw a white man
get into an altercation with a cab driver. And the white man told the cab driver to "go back where he came from".
This woman was upset.
And she said "This is how it is, now that we're living in "Trump's America".
I know people are upset
And scared
But to say THAT?
"This is how it is, now that we're living in
"Trump's America".
Is a bunch of crap.
Stuff like that
Has been happening for years:
Since 9/11
Since planes flew into our towers,
And our Pentagon.
And a loner in Virginia Tech
And backpacks in Boston
Shooters in too many malls,
A loner in Santa Monica college
A damn shooter in a nightclub,
A loner in a Christian University,
And a married couple at a special needs party.
a cab driver
gas station attendant
Dunkin Donuts owner
7/11 owner
rips you off
The first thing you hear people say:
"Why doesn't he go back where he came from".
If everyone starts saying:
"This is how it is, now that we're living in "Trump's America".
It will perpetuate the media frenzy
That Donald Trump
is taking this nation to hell.
What that lady saw was
not a hate crime
That was an ignorant, pissed
off white man
Who would have called
the cab driver a rude name, no matter
What color, race, or gender he was
Regardless of who was elected on Tuesday.
Why don't we wait until January
And see what Donald Trump does
Maybe "Trump's America" will come
to mean something positive.
But we won't know until then.
@trumpsamerica #trumpsamerica
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
"Yes, we can", "Stronger together", "Make America great again"!
I'm still seeing bitter posts about the election.
At this point who cares?
It's over.
He won.
He actually made a very gracious acceptance speech.
He thanked HRC
For all her hard work
and acknowledged that
we owe her a debt of gratitude
for all of her service to our country
Let's hope this is a new Donald,
one we can stand behind to lead our country to greatness.
Now that the election's over,
can we forget about the
Democrats and Republicans
and unite again as Americans?
We heard from Hillary and Obama today, so why don't we take a little bit
from all three of their campaigns?
Prove that "Yes, we can", "Stronger together", "Make America great again"!
@trump @election2016 #trump2016 #crybabylosers
Thursday, September 29, 2016
I spent a whole week without listening to, or reading about any news. And it was AMAZING!!!
The world without news, or social media, is a kinder gentler place. Nothing disrupted my life to inform me of the horrors everywhere......
The world was at peace
Malls were safe to go to.
ISIS didn't exist.
There were no police shootings.
There were no unruly protests against police.
No angry "Black Lives Matters" rallies that turned ugly.
There were no pipe bombs exploding in trash cans.
No dead baby whales washed up on the beach for no reason.
Trump didn't say anything jackassery.
Clinton didn't lie.
Brad and Angelina were still happy.
No sports legends died.
Nobody changed the names of holidays because they didn't want to offend anyone else.
No little kids went into schools with a gun, intent on killing their classmates.
Global warming wasn't a hoax.
At the end of the week, I reluctantly turned the news back on.
And reality came crashing back in.
I turned the TV off.
And threw the remote away.
and them turned around
and picked it right out of the trash.
because there's always Nickelodeon.
Thursday, September 22, 2016
"Impordant", "fustrating" mispronunciations.....
I've noticed that people are pronouncing more and more words incorrectly.
I'm not just talking people we know.
I've heard it on TV.
On the news.
People who are supposed to know better.
"Impordant" people.
People who took the letter "t " out and replaced it with a letter "d".
Oldtimers is not the name of Alzheimer's, just because you're old when you get it.
Autistic kids are not "Artistic" kids.
I've worked with them.
Some of them can't even hold a crayon. They usually just eat it.
Has Santa Claus ever come down your "chimley"?
Because he's only ever come down chimneys in my neighborhood.
Supposebly the letter "d" belongs in the word, not a letter b.
I took a "pixture".
Did you?
You took a selfie "pixture"?
Was it "bootiful"?
Did the "c" from the pixture hang out with the "eau"?
This list is making me "Fustrated".
I'm gonna stop for a bit.
Find the letter "R", and come back with some more gems.......
Saturday, September 10, 2016
Jimmies, chocolate sprinkles, and pickle popsicles
I had to go to Walmart the other day.
To get a prescription filled.
I hate Walmart.
The store of the great unwashed.
But it's the only place
that ever has this one medicine
that I need every month.
I had to wait half an hour,
so I picked up some stuff that I needed.
Paper towels, milk, and ice cream.
I wanted chocolate jimmies.
So I asked the sales lady
where I could find them.
She didn't speak English,
So she didn't know what I meant.
"Jimmies" is a local word for sprinkles.
So I asked again, for "chocolate sprinkles".
She took me to whipped cream.
I laughed and repeated,
"chocolate sprinkles".
So she took me to strawberry syrup,
So I said "NO - chocolate sprinkles", "chocolate sprinkles"
Because if you say it twice,
while shaking your head no,
it makes it more understandable.
This time though, I did pantomime -
Shaking sprinkles
onto an ice cream cream cone.
She finally took me to another sales girl;
who also barely spoke English.
I asked her for chocolate sprinkles for ice cream, pantomiming it as I asked.
She tried to send me to the craft department.
I again explained what I wanted.
But she told me to go to the craft aisle.
So I ended up in the cake decorating aisle.
Where the only food was
those melting chocolate discs
that taste like soapy wax.
I walked back to the front of the store
And tried the baking needs aisle
No luck.
I saw another sales girl
who sent me way down,
to an end row,
Where they had a display
of ice cream cones.
There were no jimmies.
I ran into another sales woman and
explained that I had been playing
Marco Polo all afternoon,
Looking for jimmies
She spoke English
And she understood me.
She said:
"well, Miss, we don't have everything!
We're not a super Walmart!"
Makes sense.
Of course, I could buy :
-a cigarette lighter the size of my arm
-a motion detector toilet bowl light that "lights up your toilet with seven ambient colors for those middle of the night trips to the bathroom"
-A bacon scented pillow
or a
-Pickle flavored popsicle.
I just couldn't get jimmies.
Monday, July 18, 2016
The inventor of the cheesesteak?
We went to Pat's Cheesesteaks
On Passyunk in Philly.
So I can cross that off
my imaginary bucket list.
That I never would have had
listed on there anyway.
And it would be an imaginary
that I'd have to cross off.
Cause I got a hot dog
Sunday, July 17, 2016
Thumbs up
A couple of weeks ago,
my right thumb blew up.
No reason for it that I can think of.
Just blew up.
from my inside palm
all the way up to my nail,
And now when I bend it,
at the knuckle,
it clicks.
So when it didn't go away after 2 weeks,
I went to urgent care.
They took x-rays,
And found nothing broken.
They said I have torn ligaments,
and what's called "Game-keepers" thumb.
So, with my active life,
I've been trying to figure out
which game tore my ligaments:
- turning the pages on the Kindle
- Driving up to see My 85 year old cousin, Betty
in long term care at the Masonic Home
- Using the stylus on my iPhone
- Sleeping in the lounge chair
- Playing hide and seeking with the remote, with the cats.
I haven't figured it out.
I'm afraid if I start worrying about it,
the strain of thinking
may tear a ligament
in some other part of my body.
#Phantominjury #nogamekeeperthumb
Friday, July 15, 2016
Answer me honestly. Why do you think I pulled you over? "Honestly"
So when the police pull you over and ask "Do you know why I pulled you over?"
Is that a rhetorical question?
Do you answer it honestly?
Do you list all the things you're doing wrong that he could be giving you a ticket for?
"Uh... I didn't have my seat belt on?"
"I was texting and driving?"
"I was 20 miles over the speed limit?"
"My tail light is out?"
Are you supposed to do his job for him?
Or do you sit there, innocently, and give him Bambi eyes. Widen them as much as possible and drop your jaw a tiny bit, when he tells you the real reason.
Oh my gosh, I had no idea that was illegal!
I would normally never -
Let my 2 year old sit on my lap and steer.
Openly drink a 6 pack with the convertible top down.
Carry a dead body in my trunk.
Fit 6 people in a 2 seater.
Smoke a bong.
Watch TV from my dashboard dvd player
Read and answer emails.
Curl my hair.
Change out of my shirt.
Thank you so much for the warning, and I can assure you, that it'll never happen again.
(Because I'm getting a radar detector.)
Monday, July 4, 2016
Trigger happy: or why Sandy Cheeks caused my blushing cheeks
Sometimes I have problems
remembering names.
Probably because
I don't pay attention.
So when it's important,
I try to pair the name
with something else.
As a way to jog my memory.
When I had to take
my 95 year old, cousin Betty
to the Masonic Home to live,
I met at least 6 different people
who were going to be
her caregivers
for the rest of her life.
I had to pair the names.
Some were easy.
Carol sitting next to the wreath
was obviously "Christmas Carol".
When I was having a hard time leaving,
Between guilt and my tears,
Joan told me to be strong.
I thought of her as "Joan of Arc"
Betty lived on Nantucket West,
so Sandy was "Sandy beach".
And so on...
The only flaw in my plan
was the receptionist.
whose name was also Sandy.
I couldn't come up with a trigger
to jog my memory.
Finally, I thought of Sandy Cheewhat.
Sponge Bob's best friend.
A squirrel.
Nickelodeon is on
when I leave the house,
and 9 times out of 10,
Sponge Bob is on.
I figured perfect.
Sandy Cheeks was the last thing
I saw when I left the house,
And the first thing I saw
when I got to the Masonic Home.
I just had to remember Sandy Cheeks.
Sandy Cheeks.
Sandy Cheeks.
3 days later,
I was proud of myself for remembering
Who she was.
As I repeated it to myself,
to guarantee no slip ups,
Sandy Cheeks, Sandy Cheeks,
Sandy Cheeks.
I walked in the front door,
got to the receptionist,
And said "Hey, Squirrel!"
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
It's none of my business, but God's business is perfect today......
A full moon, on the longest day of the year. If I was on the beach it would be a trifecta of my favorite things, the best of God's business.
Monday, June 13, 2016
It will ALWAYS be "Me before You" because I'm disabled, and you forgot my minority
In the winter, I read the book " Me before You", and I loved it.
I couldn't wait for it to come to the theatres.
I still haven't seen it, but I just read, (without giving anything away)
that people are making all kinds of a stink about it.
People with disabilities
think that they are being portrayed in a negative light,
and not all of them feel that a disability is the end of the world.
Black people have gotten angry,
feeling that there aren't enough black people being portrayed as disabled, so they started #disabilatytoowhite
And trans people think they don't see enough trans people
with disabilities in the movies.
Well, I don't think they have enough blonde-haired women.
Recovering from a broken back,
and a mastectomy,
with disabilities in movies.
But I'm not gonna make a stink about it.
Cause I realize it's a movie.
That was made into a screenplay.
From a book.
Written by an author.
Who chose to wrote about two non-American, non-black, non trans, non-blondes, with no breast cancer, or no broken backs.
Because that was her choice.
I couldn't wait for it to come to the theatres.
I still haven't seen it, but I just read, (without giving anything away)
that people are making all kinds of a stink about it.
People with disabilities
think that they are being portrayed in a negative light,
and not all of them feel that a disability is the end of the world.
Black people have gotten angry,
feeling that there aren't enough black people being portrayed as disabled, so they started #disabilatytoowhite
And trans people think they don't see enough trans people
with disabilities in the movies.
Well, I don't think they have enough blonde-haired women.
Recovering from a broken back,
and a mastectomy,
with disabilities in movies.
But I'm not gonna make a stink about it.
Cause I realize it's a movie.
That was made into a screenplay.
From a book.
Written by an author.
Who chose to wrote about two non-American, non-black, non trans, non-blondes, with no breast cancer, or no broken backs.
Because that was her choice.
#selfishminorities #itsalwayswhataboutme #blamehollywood
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Salty tears and Cape May diamonds
On cloudy days down the shore,
Aunt Cynthia would take us
to see the banner planes take off
or to collect Cape May diamonds.
Denise's Ralphie, is on this mission
to find quartz on beach rocks.
So last night I took him
To Sunset Beach
To find Cape May diamonds.
It ended up being a nice
coincidental tribute
To Aunt Cynthia
on her birthday.
We sat on the beach
In the dark, after sunset
And froze
Hunting for Cape May diamonds
But we did get one
At the souvenir store
So today, after Cape May
diamond hunting,
I picture her riding waves
And walking on the beach
And I raise a birthday
Margarita Toast
Covered in salty tears
To the original Jersey Girl
#JerseyGirl #Margaritaville
Aunt Cynthia would take us
to see the banner planes take off
or to collect Cape May diamonds.
Denise's Ralphie, is on this mission
to find quartz on beach rocks.
So last night I took him
To Sunset Beach
To find Cape May diamonds.
It ended up being a nice
coincidental tribute
To Aunt Cynthia
on her birthday.
We sat on the beach
In the dark, after sunset
And froze
Hunting for Cape May diamonds
But we did get one
At the souvenir store
So today, after Cape May
diamond hunting,
I picture her riding waves
And walking on the beach
And I raise a birthday
Margarita Toast
Covered in salty tears
To the original Jersey Girl
#JerseyGirl #Margaritaville
Thursday, May 19, 2016
You're never fully dressed without a hug
Karla doesn't ever meet strangers.
Everyone is a friend
and gets a hug from her
upon introduction.
I've always admired this quality,
so I started doing it myself.
And its made me a happier,
friendlier, person.
With a wider outer circle of friends.
Yesterday I met an old man,
who is a good friend of my friend, John,
I went up to the old man, and
gave him a big hug, and said
"I'm so happy to finally meet you,
John's been talking about you forever!"
Yeah. I wore his b.o. all day.
#stinkyfriends #gagginghugs
Everyone is a friend
and gets a hug from her
upon introduction.
I've always admired this quality,
so I started doing it myself.
And its made me a happier,
friendlier, person.
With a wider outer circle of friends.
Yesterday I met an old man,
who is a good friend of my friend, John,
I went up to the old man, and
gave him a big hug, and said
"I'm so happy to finally meet you,
John's been talking about you forever!"
Yeah. I wore his b.o. all day.
#stinkyfriends #gagginghugs
Thursday, May 12, 2016
Golden slumbers
My whole life,
sleep and I,
have had a tempestuous
I have insomnia
And can easily go
For 3 days
Without sleeping.
or I fall asleep
And it takes
An atomic bomb
next to my face
to wake me up.
Now, when I have to wake up,
I literally have
4 iPhone alarms,
set 4 minutes apart,
my clock radio
on full blast,
and Karla,
Bless her heart,
calls me until
I answer the phone.
A lot of times i
sleep through all of it.
When I had my first job,
and my parents had already
left for work,
it was up to me
to wake up on my own
My father
had one of his work buddies
call me every day,
and tell me jokes
until I was awake
enough to laugh.
I think the only times
I ever,
wake up
on the first
are when it's snowing,
or when I'm going to the beach
For some reason
My sleeping prowess
has risen
To Olympic gold medal levels
I had that time
A couple of years ago
When I decided
One afternoon,
around 1:30
After working at the pre-school,
to drive up to
The Polo store
At those outlets
At Franklin Mills mall
It was nice weather
Probably 75°,
So I had my top down.
But I sat in traffic on
I95 for almost an hour.
By the time I got to the mall
I was hot,
and exhausted.
I knew I'd never
Be able to make the drive home
Because I was so tired
So, before I went into the mall,
Around 2:30,
I stayed in the car,
With the top down,
and closed my eyes.
Then I heard a bunch
of people talking loudly
To the police.
Right next to me
And I was annoyed.
Because I knew
they could see that I was
So I opened my eyes
To give them a dirty look
And it was almost dark out.
They were talking to the police.
because they saw me sleeping
In my car.
When they went in to the mall.
5 hours before.
And I hadn't moved.
So they thought I was dead.
"Ladies and gentlemen
It's my pleasure to announce
The Olympic winner of this year's
Golden Slumbers award goes to..."
#goldenslumbers #z
sleep and I,
have had a tempestuous
I have insomnia
And can easily go
For 3 days
Without sleeping.
or I fall asleep
And it takes
An atomic bomb
next to my face
to wake me up.
Now, when I have to wake up,
I literally have
4 iPhone alarms,
set 4 minutes apart,
my clock radio
on full blast,
and Karla,
Bless her heart,
calls me until
I answer the phone.
A lot of times i
sleep through all of it.
When I had my first job,
and my parents had already
left for work,
it was up to me
to wake up on my own
My father
had one of his work buddies
call me every day,
and tell me jokes
until I was awake
enough to laugh.
I think the only times
I ever,
wake up
on the first
are when it's snowing,
or when I'm going to the beach
For some reason
My sleeping prowess
has risen
To Olympic gold medal levels
I had that time
A couple of years ago
When I decided
One afternoon,
around 1:30
After working at the pre-school,
to drive up to
The Polo store
At those outlets
At Franklin Mills mall
It was nice weather
Probably 75°,
So I had my top down.
But I sat in traffic on
I95 for almost an hour.
By the time I got to the mall
I was hot,
and exhausted.
I knew I'd never
Be able to make the drive home
Because I was so tired
So, before I went into the mall,
Around 2:30,
I stayed in the car,
With the top down,
and closed my eyes.
Then I heard a bunch
of people talking loudly
To the police.
Right next to me
And I was annoyed.
Because I knew
they could see that I was
So I opened my eyes
To give them a dirty look
And it was almost dark out.
They were talking to the police.
because they saw me sleeping
In my car.
When they went in to the mall.
5 hours before.
And I hadn't moved.
So they thought I was dead.
"Ladies and gentlemen
It's my pleasure to announce
The Olympic winner of this year's
Golden Slumbers award goes to..."
#goldenslumbers #z
Monday, May 2, 2016
all kinds of grieving
My Aunt Cynthia died two months ago.
I'm not sobbing hysterically everyday anymore, but I still get the wobbly voice a lot.
I thought about this and it reminded me of this conversation I had.
My best friend, Denise's cat died a couple of months ago.
When I heard about it, I called the house to check up on her.
Her son, Ralphie, who's 12, answered.
I said "Oh honey, I'm so sorry about the cat, I know you loved her very much ".
He said to me "It's ok, Aunt Julie. I cried a lot about an hour ago. But I'm almost through all of the stages of grief already".
+Grief Relief Ministries #nephew #withlove
I'm not sobbing hysterically everyday anymore, but I still get the wobbly voice a lot.
I thought about this and it reminded me of this conversation I had.
My best friend, Denise's cat died a couple of months ago.
When I heard about it, I called the house to check up on her.
Her son, Ralphie, who's 12, answered.
I said "Oh honey, I'm so sorry about the cat, I know you loved her very much ".
He said to me "It's ok, Aunt Julie. I cried a lot about an hour ago. But I'm almost through all of the stages of grief already".
+Grief Relief Ministries #nephew #withlove
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