Monday, June 13, 2016

It will ALWAYS be "Me before You" because I'm disabled, and you forgot my minority

In the winter, I read the book " Me before You", and I loved it.
I couldn't wait for it to come to the theatres.
I still haven't seen it, but I just read, (without giving anything away)
that people are making all kinds of a stink about it.

People with disabilities
think that they are being portrayed in a negative light,
and not all of them feel that a disability is the end of the world.

Black people have gotten angry,
feeling that there aren't enough black people being portrayed as disabled, so they started  #disabilatytoowhite

And trans people think they don't see enough trans people
with disabilities in the movies.

Well, I don't think they have enough blonde-haired women.
Recovering from a broken back,
and a mastectomy,
with disabilities in movies.

But I'm not gonna make a stink about it.

Cause I realize it's a movie.

That was made into a screenplay.

From a book.

Written by an author.

Who chose to wrote about two non-American, non-black, non trans, non-blondes, with no breast cancer, or no broken backs.

Because that was her choice.

#selfishminorities  #itsalwayswhataboutme #blamehollywood

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