Wednesday, December 7, 2016

"Filthydelphia", possessive trash, and poop

So, I went to some Tile Place with a friend on Washington and 15th Street In Philly Got out of the car, And stepped into a sh*t-pile Of everything That every person who Has ever lived in Philly Owns. They just dumped it. There. On the sidewalk Bottles, broken glass, Cups, cigarettes, ketchup packets, Cheetos, plastic bags, a seashell. And I couldn't even handle it. So I did my random act of kindness For today. I went to the Tile Store and asked for a trash bag. He looked at me funny look, But gave it to me. The gloves that I keep in my bag ripped when I put them on. (Always prepared: I still carry them around from my years at Bancroft) So, I went to Dunkin Donuts And asked them for gloves to clean up the trash. The counter workers (not one American), all gathered around me and wanted to know "What trash?" I said the trash in the street. They asked: "What trash in the street?" I said "I don't know, the trash in the street, the trash in the street" Because if you say something twice It has more impact. So they gave me gloves. And I walked around And picked up safe trash. No glass. Nothing that looked like anybody's mouth had been on it. And I filled the bag about halfway. But I stopped when I got To a pile of poop. People poop. Seriously? So I turned around, and brought the bag to the girl who was outside Dunkin Donuts cleaning, and sweeping up the trash around there. I said "Here you go!" She asked what it was. I said "it's trash." She shook her head, she didn't want it. I said, "It's trash, right here, trash from in front of your store, I'm doing your job for you, trash, it's trash." She said no. I smiled, took my gloves off, plopped the bag of trash on top of her sweepy broom thing anyway. Then turned around and left. So if you go to the Dunkin Donuts On Washington Ave Be wary. They're possessive of their trash. They don't want you to pick it up for them. If you do clean it up anyway, don't put it in their dumpsters. And watch out that you don't step in people poop.

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