Friday, July 15, 2016

Answer me honestly. Why do you think I pulled you over? "Honestly"

So when the police pull you over and ask "Do you know why I pulled you over?" Is that a rhetorical question? Do you answer it honestly? Do you list all the things you're doing wrong that he could be giving you a ticket for? "Uh... I didn't have my seat belt on?" "I was texting and driving?" "I was 20 miles over the speed limit?" "My tail light is out?" Are you supposed to do his job for him? Or do you sit there, innocently, and give him Bambi eyes. Widen them as much as possible and drop your jaw a tiny bit, when he tells you the real reason. Oh my gosh, I had no idea that was illegal! I would normally never - Let my 2 year old sit on my lap and steer. Openly drink a 6 pack with the convertible top down. Carry a dead body in my trunk. Fit 6 people in a 2 seater. Smoke a bong. Watch TV from my dashboard dvd player Read and answer emails. Curl my hair. Shave. Change out of my shirt. Thank you so much for the warning, and I can assure you, that it'll never happen again. (Because I'm getting a radar detector.)

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