Sunday, November 16, 2014

The good thing about cancer

When I got Breast cancer, I was furious with Susan Komen. I had raised money for cancer research, walked in the race 15 times, and this was how I was repaid? Irrational, I know. But when you're told you're going to lose an important body part, you don't think clearly.

Because I have the BRCA gene, I opted to have the bilateral mastectomy, which was lucky cause they found it on the other side too. I was lucky all around; no chemo or radiation; the surgery took care of it all. Only problem I had was deathly MRSA. Sure my boobs were a small problem, (well, a 9 lb. problem) but it was the implants that almost killed me. 

I had the implants put in, got MRSA, had a picc line with vancomycin a couple times, then I had to have one implant taken out. I walked lopsided for 4 months. They put the implant back in, and I got MRSA again, so painful, that I had them both pulled. 

I had to have my ovaries removed and more reconstruction the next summer to prevent ovarian cancer.

You have to find the positives. I laughed the whole damn summer I was dealing with everything. It was all so stupid. I'm flat chested. I don't have to wear a bra. I don't have to deal with feminine products anymore. When my back is healthy, I'm able to golf more easily; no boobs in the way when I putt.  

And that's my story. So please if you remember anything from this, it's to get a mammogram. If the doctor tells you that you're too young, fight him or find a new doctor. Be proactive. It's your body. 

I swore that I'd never acknowledge when I hit the 5 year cancer-free mark. Too many people get there, then have a recurrence. But my sister's been such a warrior for me and my mom, that I feel the need to say "Yes". I'm now 5 years free of cancer. And I thank Robin for celebrating me and my mom every single time that Florida has a Breast Cancer event. Love and adore you!


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