Monday, November 10, 2014

Meanwhile, over at the skunk house....

Animal control closes at 5:00
on Fridays and I wonder if animals know this and plan accordingly?

Meanwhile over at the skunk house....

 "Daddy's home! Boys, ready to tear up the town? Drop some stink bombs?"

"Oh Bob, I don't want a repeat of last week"

"Judy, that was a fluke! We found those turned grapes, I got drunk, and ran right into the trap. The kids were fine!"

"Right! Watching their father slurring, spitting, and spraying all over the place!"

"Judy, they were heroes. It's every teenage boys dream to start a story with "So my pops and I were so wasted..."

"Bob! I had to run to the zoo to get help from that horrible snooty monkey: "Look at me, I've got opposable thumbs!" Damn foreigners". 

"Come on, Jude, you know we don't grow monkeys in the USA! Besides, she and the mister were taken from Madagascar."

"Bob, I thanked her and told her if she needed help with anything to just ask. She looked down her flat nose and "pooh-poohed me."
Well actually she "ooh ooh ooh, ahh ahh ahhed" me."  

And said "darling there's nothing you can help me with", I told her if she ever needs an area cleared, I'll spray and people will run for cover. She said "WE are quite capable of clearing an area. We just throw feces".

"And Judy isn't that sad? 
A pooh-poohing, poop throwing, primate who was pulled from her place, put on a plane, and put here to perform". 

"Nice alliteration "Bob"

"Thank you!"

"Well.... her mate has an ass like Kim Kardashian!"

"Yeah! Judy what's up with that? All those boy monkeys have that red apple butt. Is it a mating thing?"

"Don't know Bob, but it's certainly not Red Delicious. Now go, enjoy your night out and be careful!"

"Aww, Judy you're the best! I love you, you big stinkbomb!"

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