Saturday, January 17, 2015

Topless and freezing

In this freezing, freezing weather every year my car revolts and the driver's side door freezes up. I can't get in until the car's ready to let me. I have to go in thru the passenger side do a double-flip over the console, a cartwheel, round-about, and end up in my seat. With my spine issues you can imagine how fun this is for me. 
When I get out, if the car door is still frozen, I go thru the window, because, believe it or not, folding my body up is easier on my back. 

So tonight, I guess the car realized I was onto it's tricks, and froze both doors up WHILE I was inside. I must have panicked for a little bit because I don't remember trying to roll the windows down, I just know that, much like Batman, I flipped the top of the convertible up, did a half gainer, a front tuck, and stuck the dismount. 

I was out on the pavement in front of Rite Aid waiting for the Russian judges to give me their score when I realized that I would have to drive home topless, in this 30° weather, with no coat on, (because, "i was only going to Rite Aid"). 

So I did. Drive home with the top down. Except that when I unhooked it to get out, I never locked it in place. And as I sped up (to 25 mph), the top flipped up. Of course I couldn't stop right there because I couldn't see if there were cars behind me (never thinking to check mirrors). I wouldn't have been able to get out of the car to push the top down anyway; I would have had to stand up in the car like an idiot.  I chose to keep driving. Fortunately this all occurred within 2 blocks of my house. 

I got to my street and my mailbox, and, oddly my door did open, so, after I grabbed my mail, I left it like that. Of course I didn't think to hold the open door so it swung out, barely, but possibly, hitting a parked car. 

I grabbed the door so it closed, but it didn't close all the way. And then it wouldn't open again. I had to pull it till it clicked. Got home, pulled the top down and did my Gabby Douglas routine through the console to get out.

I bet I lost 20 pounds. 
#toplessdriving #freezingwithmytopoff #whodrivestoplessinthewinter #toplessin30°

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