Monday, January 5, 2015

A snake's a snake, right?

A snake's a snake
I didn't expect my dad to kill it.
just to make sure it wasn't gonna come after me.
I mean, it did that whole sidewinding, sliding along the ground, away from me trick
And I yelled at him to keep moving.
Then he did the cobra head in the air.
I guess trying to hypnotize me
So I took a picture of it 
And ran in to ask my mom and dad if it was poisonous
But who can tell from a picture?
So I went back out and got closer.
Cause the snake hadn't moved.
but I wanted to know if I should be afraid of him.
So I snapped a couple more pictures from different angles.
And ran back into prove that yu-huh-
It was a snake.
And should I be scared
and would it bite me and was it poisonous?
And finally my dad got up.
And grabbed tongs. My Mom's. 
That she uses to flip hamburgers with.
and he went out to see the snake. 
And poke the snake. 
And flip it over. 
While I yelled through a 1 inch crack in the door: 
don't let it bite you! 
watch his head! 
don't flip him out where he's just gonna slither back and get me!
Then watched in horror as he smushed and squished him into the cement. 
And left it there. 
"Swish it into the grass" I yelled!
but he wanted to leave it so he could identify it in the morning. 
Meanwhile I have to look at this snake carcass every time I go outside till the morning. 
And worry that the mother is gonna come looking for me to fang me. 
But a snake's a snake. Right?
Even if its only 4 inches long.

#snakes #cottonmouth #rattlesnake #boa constrictor #overimagination

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