Monday, May 8, 2017

Shattered McDreamy's

I stopped in Cooper Hospital to visit a friend's mother and, while I was in the elevator I noticed two young girls wearing white coats with stitching on them that said they were "intern" and "resident". So, being a huge fan of Grey's Anatomy, I had to ask. And I found out that: - No, the elevators are never used as floating sex chambers. - No, the residents and interns don't have time to jump in bed every couple of hours, lounging around between important cases. - No, they don't switch sex partners every couple of weeks. - No, there aren't as many cases of people with worms as Shonda Rhimes would like you to think. - Yes, a lot of the cases they've shown, have happened before. - And- - No, no one in Cooper Hospital has ever seen a "penis fish". @greysanatomy @shondarhimes #shatteredmcdreamy

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