Thursday, February 2, 2017

Name calling

I've observed that people are so involved in their phones, that no one takes the time to pay attention to anyone around them. Service people, cashiers, waitresses. all go unnoticed, unless they're needed. So I go out of my way to acknowledge them all. I look for name tags and address everyone by name. When I say hello, ask how their day is, or tell them to have a great night, I always use a name. When I at the airport, leaving my parents in S.C., the other day, the TSA agent's name was Myr. So, I said "Thanks, Myr." and he raised an eyebrow at me. I pointed at his name tag. He looked down and started laughing. Hysterically. While he was laughing, I was mentally running through the men's names that "Myr" could be short for. I know a woman could be "Myrna". He was still laughing, great big guffaws, and now, tugging on the lady TSA agent next to him, who looked at me and burst into laughter. I was still running through names in my head when it hit me. So I turned around and looked at her name tag and it was "Myr" also I was looking at the airport codes. For "Myrtle Beach"'. (They said that I made their day)

It's of utmost impotence

When I had my first spinal surgery in 1999, a screw broke. And landed on a nerve in my lower spine Forever crushing the nerve. They had to go in and "re-visit" the area, replace the broken screw and start fresh. Unfortunately the nerve was unable to properly regenerate. I have mobility But I have hot foot. And I mean HOT FOOT! Someone holding a blow torch on it 24/7 unable to walk, move, sit, stand, HOT FOOT. We're able to control the pain with meds that I'll be on for life. Last week 18 years later, I started having pins and needles Again in the foot So, I was explaining to my pain management physician that the only solution my original surgeon came up with, other than medicine, was to cut the nerve. But the drawback was The possibility of my being impotent. And he looked at me. And said that couldn't happen. And I said "You don't know me, If there's the possibly of anything happening. It will." And he said "Julie, girls don't get impotent". I said "Look at me. If anyone in the world had to wear a diaper after this surgery, it would be me" And he said, "Oh, Julie. You mean incontinent".