Wednesday, November 30, 2016

They fine people for that???

So I ran into my doctors office In Philly this morning a couple minutes late As usual, And I asked the girl At the front desk, "Hey, do they give tickets to street walkers here?" She looked at me funny and Said, "Yeah, they give them big fines, Like $2,500, and arrest them." I didn't believe her. She said they really did. I told her that was a bunch of crap. And no wonder Aunt Cynthia hated I said that I'M a street walker. And in New Jersey I've never gotten fined, or arrested. Who the hell wants to park their car. Walk to the corner. Cross at the light. Then come back to the Opposite side of the street Where you parked your car. The girl looked at me and said. "Julie. That's a JAY WALKER"

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

We need an Autumn runway collection, shoes to keep me safe.

I went outside today and made the mistake of taking one step onto the concrete. And hit a wet leaf. My feet did that air peddling Like I was on an invisible bicycle While my arms were grabbing For anything I could get hold of. Finally, I was able to latch onto the doorjam And fall back into the lobby With minimal damage. Of course I was laughing hysterically because it was funny And I was soaking wet. Why do they have Shoes for rock climbing Boots for walking in mud and puddles Crampons for walking in ice Flip flops for the beach But nothing for walking on wet leaves?

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Thank you, Netflix

I know I said I'm taking a break, From social media, but I feel the need to get this out of my system. With the environment the way it is right now, I'm probably going to make some people mad by saying this. But a week from now, on the 25th, there's an event that a lot of us have been waiting for. And I want to say that I hope Netflix doesn't bring Kirk back. To Gilmore Girls. There. I said it. I'm not a fan of Kirk. He added nothing to the show. Other than that. Woo hoo! 8 more days Till we can get cozy again With Lorelai And Rory And all will Feel right with the world. For at least 4 episodes. Thank you, Netflix. #GilmoreGirlsComfort @gilmoregirls #netflixgilmoregirls @netflix

Sunday, November 13, 2016

"Trump's America"

I just read a woman's post who said she was in Philly, when she saw a white man get into an altercation with a cab driver. And the white man told the cab driver to "go back where he came from". This woman was upset. And she said "This is how it is, now that we're living in "Trump's America". I know people are upset And scared But to say THAT? "This is how it is, now that we're living in "Trump's America". Is a bunch of crap. Stuff like that Has been happening for years: Since 9/11 Since planes flew into our towers, And our Pentagon. And a loner in Virginia Tech And backpacks in Boston Shooters in too many malls, A loner in Santa Monica college A damn shooter in a nightclub, A loner in a Christian University, And a married couple at a special needs party. Everytime a cab driver gas station attendant Dunkin Donuts owner 7/11 owner rips you off The first thing you hear people say: "Why doesn't he go back where he came from". If everyone starts saying: "This is how it is, now that we're living in "Trump's America". It will perpetuate the media frenzy That Donald Trump is taking this nation to hell. What that lady saw was not a hate crime That was an ignorant, pissed off white man Who would have called the cab driver a rude name, no matter What color, race, or gender he was Regardless of who was elected on Tuesday. Why don't we wait until January And see what Donald Trump does Maybe "Trump's America" will come to mean something positive. But we won't know until then. @trumpsamerica #trumpsamerica

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

"Yes, we can", "Stronger together", "Make America great again"!

Ugh!!! I'm still seeing bitter posts about the election. At this point who cares? It's over. He won. He actually made a very gracious acceptance speech. He thanked HRC For all her hard work and acknowledged that we owe her a debt of gratitude for all of her service to our country Let's hope this is a new Donald, one we can stand behind to lead our country to greatness. Now that the election's over, can we forget about the Democrats and Republicans and unite again as Americans? We heard from Hillary and Obama today, so why don't we take a little bit from all three of their campaigns? Prove that "Yes, we can", "Stronger together", "Make America great again"! @trump @election2016 #trump2016 #crybabylosers #YesWeCanStrongerTogetherMakeAmericaGreatAgain!