I prefer the British spelling of certain words; favour, honour, behaviour, etc..
Well, I had a professor at West Chester who corrected me every single time I spelled any word that way. She never took points off, just wrote "Julie, that's the British spelling". So, of course after that, I owned it.
I had a child development class with her, so you can imagine how many times, per paper, I wrote "behaviour", and how many times she wrote "Julie, that's the British spelling".
Back then, in the olden days; 1992, I was using a typewriter/word processor, so the spell check wasn't that great.
I misspelled the word "muscles" and it came out "muskles".
This time, I got a note back "Julie, that's the Popeye spelling".
#popeye #british spelling # honour # favour #behaviour #muskles