Sunday, May 14, 2017

My mom's better than your mom

My mom is the only person in the history of Apple iPhone who doesn't have the "messages" "photo" or "camera" apps. "Julie, I've looked everywhere, and they are not on my phone. They're just not there. Can't you remote in somehow, and look at my phone?" I had to help my Dad get on the boat when he went Parasailing, so I gave my mom a quick lesson on my Nikon so she could take pictures while he was up there. When we got back, I looked at the pictures she had taken. 37 up close personal pictures of sand crystals. The ocean. The sky. The bathing suit of woman next to her. The hat of the woman next to her. Her beach chair. Her beach towel. Her own eyeballs. A bunch of blurry pictures that may have been my dad in the air, and 3 perfect pictures of my Dad after the ride when he was seasick. But my mom is the person you call at 3 in the morning when you're sad and just want to talk. She may not remember the conversation in the morning, but she gets you through the rough times. She's the person who flew up here Mother's Day weekend, the year after Mrs Miller died, so that she could walk in the Race For The Cure, in honor of her. My mom is the person (and my Dad) who has all of us kids, (who are in our 40's, 50's and 60's (almost)) fighting over who is the favorite child. Literally. We have text arguments over who's the favorite. My mom is the person I call with every bit of news, no matter how big or small. She's a survivor, she's a warrior, she's my best friend, she's who I want to be when I grow up. Happy Mother's Day to the best Mom on earth. #mothersday2017

Monday, May 8, 2017

Shattered McDreamy's

I stopped in Cooper Hospital to visit a friend's mother and, while I was in the elevator I noticed two young girls wearing white coats with stitching on them that said they were "intern" and "resident". So, being a huge fan of Grey's Anatomy, I had to ask. And I found out that: - No, the elevators are never used as floating sex chambers. - No, the residents and interns don't have time to jump in bed every couple of hours, lounging around between important cases. - No, they don't switch sex partners every couple of weeks. - No, there aren't as many cases of people with worms as Shonda Rhimes would like you to think. - Yes, a lot of the cases they've shown, have happened before. - And- - No, no one in Cooper Hospital has ever seen a "penis fish". @greysanatomy @shondarhimes #shatteredmcdreamy