Friday, July 3, 2015

Skunk whisperer

I was sitting outside on the steps in Avalon when I felt something brush my leg.

I looked down and it was a blonde cat.

My Aunt Cynthia and Uncle George have two cats, Ava and Lona (of last year's fame), who are calico and grey/white.

So I said to this cat, "Where'd you come from?"

It turned its head up and looked at me, all cute and innocent. 

with his pointy black face. 

That's when I saw his black stripe.

I did a triple gasp, and said to him "Why are you out now, it's not even totally dark yet?" 

I swear he smiled at me 

Then, he turned around and scooted back under the house.

And I know, I just know, that he was excited to tell all the skunks and skunklets: 

"She's baaaack!!"


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