Monday, January 28, 2019

Knock those hooters around!

When I had my mastectomy, I had the implants put in at the same time that they removed the cancer. But the implants they put in, were inflatables. Yeah. Once a week, the doctor would add some saline to inflate the expander, which would stretch the skin. I guess about four months later they'd remove the inflatables, (the expanders), and replace them with the saline implants. So I was actually gonna be leaving the hospital flat chested. The thought of THAT devastated me. Those of you who knew me, remember my bra size. As far at I was concerned, to go from THAT, to flat chested was worse than the cancer. I couldn't even imagine how awful it would be to leave the hospital with that part of my body amputated. Oh. I laughed. I joked. I had people placing bets - Feeling me up, then guessing how much they weighed. (9 pounds) But, underneath I was having panic attacks. It was too awful to think about. Enter Missy. Bless her heart. She knitted me boobies. Yes. She. Did. She found a pattern online. And made me "Knitted Knockers" Crocheted breast prosthetics. So that I wouldn't have to leave the hospital flat chested. How adorable is that? This was all almost 10 years ago. The inflatables didn't inflate. I got deathly MRSA in one side. (This has NEVER happened before) Story of my life. I had to have that one pulled out. Then when they thought the MRSA was gone they put it back in. I got MRSA again. (This has NEVER happened before) So, I had both sides pulled out. And I walked out of the hospital Flat chested. But finally out of pain. The Knitted Knockers were put in a drawer. with the mastectomy bra, and forgotten about. Until last week. All of a sudden I noticed one of the Knockers was lying in a different area of my house, every few hours. That's when I realized my cats were playing "bat the boobie around".

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