People have stuff/annoyances happen to them all the time. Somehow, these things happen to me more than most, oooorrrrr maybe I just notice them more. Either way, I almost always find them funny.....
Monday, June 25, 2018
Mirror, Mirror
I am pretty much close to blind.
Without my glasses
So when I put mascara on
it's a disaster.
I have to be an inch from the mirror,
which then gets fogged up
and I get all sweaty
from the close space
Today. I found out that putting
mascara on in the airport
is about the worst makeup experience
I could ever have.
The counter was three feet wide.
So I had to take a running jump,
to parkour onto the counter
just to sit on top of it.
And then, lean OVER the sink,
to see my eyes.
Meanwhile the sink
was electronically activated,
So everytime I breathed
I got soaked.
while my right side
was getting squirted with soap.
And there were no paper towels.
Or hand blowers
They only had those
"Efficient Hand Dryers"
That you stick your hands down into
and sound like a rocket blasting off.
So, ticked off,
I rounded the corner,
thinking maybe toilet seat covers
would work to dry me off in a pinch
And there, hanging on the wall,
was a full length mirror.
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
No whining, no trolls, no adults......
I was so tired of seeing
all the negative posts
The politics.
The racism.
The butt hurt.
The whining.
The people who were
offended by the capital
letter in the sentence above it.
So I hunted for a "fluff" page.
Something that would be fun,
all positive posts, light and breezy.
I found it in a Grey's Anatomy page.
It was great.
All cute posts about the show.
Questions about the characters.
What if this happened?
And not one miserable post about
current events.
Exactly what I was looking for.
Almost too perfect.
I couldn't believe it!
There were no trolls
trying to post about politics,
or grumble about the fact
that there are interracial
couples on the show.
Then on "Open Question Friday",
(You can talk about something
other than Grey's)
Someone posted:
"What are you afraid of?"
Someone answered
"getting my period for the first time.
I heard that it hurts."
I was on a site with pre-teen girls.
Friday, February 23, 2018
What's in a name? A lot! When it has bad press twice!
I think we can safely say that the name "Scott Peterson" has been ruined forever....
Wednesday, February 14, 2018
Gun control? Here we go again!
Lather, Rinse, Repeat.
Here we go again.
With today's shooting
there's gonna a major outcry
for gun control.
But we still need to look
at the underlying issue
of mental health.
You can take
all the guns away
but you're still gonna have
people who are mentally ill.
and they're gonna find a way
to "get revenge".
Whether it's using a bomb.
or driving a truck through a crowd.
So, call for gun control.
But it's not gonna solve anything.
It's not.
We need to look for signs
of kids being bullied
Or signs of mental illness.
Like anything out of the ordinary
on social media.
that gives HINTS that someone
may be focusing on a topic
or subject that
could come out in a violent
burst that hurts people.
It's not hard to see the warnings!
Maybe if everyone was as vigilant
abut these kids
social media accounts
that glorify weapons,
as they are about guns
after an incident,
they could stop the shootings
before they happen.
Monday, February 12, 2018
Meep meep
Sony Pictures had to apologize
because an animated character
used blackberries
as weapons
in the Peter Rabbit movie
An animated character
(Peter Rabbit)
used a slingshot
to fling a blackberry
into the mouth
of Mr. McGregor
who was allergic,
who then went into
anaphylaxis shock
and had to give
himself an epi-pen.
In that vein,
I'd like the Acme company
to offer an apology
to the Road Runner.
for all of the anvils
they sold to Wile E Coyote
in his effort to have the
Road Runner for dinner.
@Sony @nj101.5
Sunday, February 11, 2018
Blue light special!
I had to get my license renewed.
Apparently they've changed things.
You're not allowed to smile anymore.
You have to have a "neutral" face.
And the guy made me take my glasses off.
I told him that was stupid,
because I'm never NOT
gonna have my glasses on.
He said that for facial recognition
they need me without my glasses.
I said, but I will ALWAYS have them ON,
I'm blind without them,
that for facial recognition
they'll need pictures of me
with them on.
Yeah, that didn't fly with him.
and he made me take them off.
He told me to stop smiling
and to look at the blue light.
I said, "Blue light?
Dude, I can't even see the camera."
Friday, February 9, 2018
Yeah, your food is rotten! Don't take it out on us!
Welcome to Butt Hurt Nation!
Where humor goes to die
Where you can't do, or say anything
Without offending someone.
Party City ran an advertisement,
A funny, maybe 30 second, advertisement,
Poking fun,
at the tastelessness
of gluten-free food.
Cardboard and glue-tasting
Gluten-free food.
Celiacs all over,
were offended,
demanded an apology,
and a boycott on the store.
And Party City caved,
apologized and pulled the ad.
Yet, we all know,
the ad was true.
Gluten-free food is hideous.
How about, instead of Celiacs
Getting mad at Party City,
They get mad at the
food manufacturers,
And demand better recipes
for gluten-free food?
Maybe they'll finally
get something edible,
And the return of their
sense of humor.
Tuesday, January 16, 2018
Black dresses, turtlenecks, and boobs
ual harassment
Got your attention?
Ok. So, everyone was
talking about the
the women who
wore black dresses
to the Golden Globes
in support of the victims
of sexual harassment.
but THEN wore the dresses
slit up to the Heavens,
or down to their belly buttons.
Or had every bit of breast
hanging out.
(Except for the part of the breast
that feeds the world.
As if THAT'S the shameful part)
When I saw the whole thing
on the news,
I admit, I thought it was
a bit hypocritical.
"Let's fight sexual harassment.
By looking extra sexy"
Until today.
I was getting dressed
You know, bra-less.
Since I had cancer
I have nothing to put in one,
so I don't need a bra.
But as I put on a turtleneck
it jogged a memory:
"Is it cold out, or you happy to see me?"
Anybody who knows me
knows I've always dressed
Nothing. sexy. ever.
that would draw attention
to the fact that
I was carrying around
A Pamela Anderson-sized chest.
So I hid it.
Well, as hidden
as any mountain could be.
Casabas. Bazoobies. Hooters.
9 lbs of chest.
I had them weighed
when I had the mastectomy.
That's what I carried on my front.
In my bra.
From the day I woke up with them,
(because I swear they grew overnight)
in 1978,
to the day I woke up without them,
in 2008, 30 years later,
I got sexually harassed.
For 30 years.
By bosses, boys, teachers, friends, boyfriends, boyfriends of friends.
* "I was in the melon section at the Acme and thought of you!"
Button down shirt
* "Can I stick my face in there and motorboat you?"
Polo shirt short sleeve
* "What size bra do you wear?"
* "Are those things real?"
Long sleeve crew neck
* "Can I feel them?"
Henley shirt
* "You brought the girls out!"
* "How do you carry those things around all day?"
Crew neck sweatshirt
* "Can I put this tray of food on there?"
Conveniently brushing against me.
Conveniently touching me.
Sending me outside for things in the cold, to come back in with tell-tale nipples.
It doesn't matter
what you wear.
Boys are boys.
Men are men.
Boobs are boobs.
As long as they thought
that there were boobs
hiding under my clothing,
I was getting
sexually harassed.
So. To the women
who took their boobs
and let them fly free.
And slit their dresses
up to Heaven
I say "Good. For. You "
We can hide them
or we can flaunt them
It shouldn't matter.
It's not something
that we should have to
worry about.
It's part of who we are.
We have no control over it.
We shouldn't have to dress
so that somebody else
doesn't react to it.
That's on them.
Not on us.
I spent thirty years
covered up
so that I didn't
have to hear abuse.
I heard it.
I felt it.
I got it.
From now on
keep your hands
and your words to yourself.
We don't want them.
You big boobs.
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